Author: Jeff Eckhoff

Communications Manager at CIRAS, Iowa State University

Iowa’s Governor Officially Launches ‘Year of Manufacturing’ Initiative

 Gov. Terry Branstad, Lt. Governor Kim Reynolds and a host of other Iowa governmental and business leaders have unveiled a plan to boost Iowa factories during a “Year of Manufacturing.” The Year of Manufacturing initiative, which was announced in January during Branstad’s Condition of the State address, is designed to be a 12-month, concentrated focus on improving Iowa’s manufacturing Gross Domestic Product. Led by the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA), the Iowa Association of Business and Industry (ABI) and CIRAS, business leaders plan to fan out across the state to visit with companies and make certain that each firm is aware of the resources available to help them improve.

CIRAS Helps Frog Legs Make Smooth Transition to Carbon Fiber Wheelchair Wheels

An Iowa manufacturer of wheelchair wheels and caster forks has begun selling stronger and lighter versions of those products—thanks partly to CIRAS’ help in testing and refining what the company describes as “the world’s first carbon fiber wheel set.” Ottumwa-based Frog Legs Inc., which has sold aluminum wheelchair wheels and suspensions since 1997, began selling a new carbon fiber version of its products earlier this year.

Resource Spotlight: Expert Advice on Exporting

Only about 15 percent of small- to mid-sized manufacturers in Iowa consider exports as one of their top three growth strategies. Yet in most industries, there are substantial opportunities for growth and profit outside of the United States.     One of the leading reasons that companies, especially smaller ones, avoid exporting is the potential complexity and risk associated with international sales. In Iowa, we have a great set of resources to help de-risk the process at any stage. 
