Are you a business in Construction, IT, Manufacturing, Manufacturing Support or Professional Services who is interested in strengthening its Government Contracts footprint? Are you interested in connecting with government agencies situated on the Rock Island Arsenal? Then you should be at the 11th Annual Midwest Government Contracting Symposium, May 23 and 24 in Moline, Illinois.
Month: March 2018

UPCOMING: Veterans Breakfast, Corridor Business Development Expo
Attention veterans, business owners, and veteran business owners in the Cedar Rapids area: CIRAS would like to help fill both your minds and bodies on April 11. CIRAS is hosting a special Veterans Breakfast on that day beginning at 7:30 a.m. at the Kirkwood Hotel in Cedar Rapids – immediately preceding the Corridor Business Development Expo.
Upcoming Webinars: Successful Conferences and Capability Statements
Are you showing potential customers the best version of your company? Capability statements are a key component of any government marketing plan and should be one of your main marketing materials for government customers. Capability statements act as a resume of your business, including all important information that a potential government customer would rely on for market research.

IMPACT: CIRAS and its Partners Sparked Improvement by the Billions
CIRAS projects have a big impact on Iowa and its communities. Over the last five years, we've helped Iowa companies invest, expand sales and avoid costs to the tune of more than $2 billion.

WORKFORCE PIPELINE: CIRAS Helps Companies Find Solutions
CIRAS projects have a big impact on Iowa and its communities. One of the things we do is to help companies find their way around a scarcity of workers. Sometimes, that means helping them reach out to graduating students:

CONNECTIONS: CIRAS Helps Iowa Companies Find Answers
CIRAS projects have a big impact on Iowa and its communities. For example, our latest edition of CIRAS News took a look at the breadth of who we've helped over the past five years:

JOBS: CIRAS help Iowa Companies Continue as Good Employers
CIRAS projects have a big impact on Iowa and its communities. For example, our latest edition of CIRAS News took a look at how we've affected employment over the past five years:
Study: MEP Services make Small Manufacturers More Likely to Survive
A recent study published in Economic Development Quarterly shows that American manufacturing businesses were more productive between 1997 and 2007 and more likely to survive if they received business assistance services from the Manufacturing Extension Partnership.

Did You Know? Elevator Speeches Matter
At most meetings, conferences, and networking events people are asked to introduce themselves and talk about their company. This is their time to shine - it’s like free advising! But because they are uncomfortable or have trouble explaining what they do or sell, they miss a perfect opportunity to position themselves for success. The answer to this is to have a prepared elevator speech.