We are excited to announce a new collaborative opportunity for ILC members. Starting July 1, 2024, CIRAS will assume the mission of the Iowa Sustainable Business Forum (ISBF). This integration will provide ILC members access to enhanced sustainability and process improvement programs; we believe continuous improvement and sustainability are inherently interconnected and complement each other … Continue reading New Opportunity for ILC Members

Updates Newswire Stories
New Opportunity for ILC Members
O’Donnell Is New CIRAS Director
Mike O’Donnell is the new director of CIRAS. O’Donnell has been part of the CIRAS team since 2008. For the past decade, he has led the CIRAS Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) program, a private-public partnership focused on equipping small and medium-sized manufacturers with the essential tools and resources for achieving success. O’Donnell also led efforts … Continue reading O’Donnell Is New CIRAS Director
Governor Reynolds, IEDA Announce $2 Million in Manufacturing 4.0 Funding
Wednesday, February 15, 2023 Press Release Gov. Kim Reynolds and the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) announced that Iowa will be investing an additional $2 million in the Manufacturing 4.0 Technology Investment Program to enhance productivity, efficiency, and competitiveness in Iowa’s largest industry. The program helps small- to mid-size Iowa manufacturers invest in the adoption … Continue reading Governor Reynolds, IEDA Announce $2 Million in Manufacturing 4.0 Funding
Interim Director Named for CIRAS
Interim Director Named for the Center for Industrial Research and Service at Iowa State University AMES, IA— Assistant Director and Operations Manager Leah Barton has been appointed interim director for the Center of Industrial Research and Service (CIRAS). Following 25 years as CIRAS director, Ron Cox will step down from that role and join the … Continue reading Interim Director Named for CIRAS
Watching Iowa’s Economy: January 2023
Here is CIRAS’s quick look at major economic indicators for Iowa. For an introduction and a description of the indicators used, see our first post. Indicator Status Underlying Data Notes ISM Manufacturing PMI® Manufacturing contracted for the second consecutive month. Most measures indicate a general slowing; however, employment grew in December. Mid-American Index Midwest manufacturing … Continue reading Watching Iowa’s Economy: January 2023
Watching Iowa’s Economy – December
Watching Iowa’s Economy: December Here is CIRAS’s quick look at major economic indicators for Iowa. For an introduction and a description of the indicators used, see our first post. Indicator Status Underlying Data Notes ISM Manufacturing PMI® Manufacturing contracted last month, the first reported contraction since May 2020. Inventories and production grew last month. Mid-American … Continue reading Watching Iowa’s Economy – December
Q&A with Retiring CIRAS Director Ron Cox
CIRAS Director Ron Cox is retiring after more than 25 years at CIRAS. We sat down with him to discuss what he has seen develop over the past quarter of a century and where he thinks things might be headed. Q: How did you get your start at CIRAS? A: I was returning to … Continue reading Q&A with Retiring CIRAS Director Ron Cox
11th Annual ILC Conference Provides Education & Community
The Iowa Lean Consortium (ILC) continues to draw large crowds to its annual conference. More than 95 companies and organizations were represented at the 11th annual event held October 24 and 25; 300 people participated in-person and online. The goal of the conference was to reconnect attendees with each other, share practical suggestions for improving … Continue reading 11th Annual ILC Conference Provides Education & Community
Watching Iowa’s Economy – November
Here is CIRAS’s quick look at major economic indicators for Iowa. For an introduction and a description of the indicators used, see our first post. Indicator Status Underlying Data Notes ISM Manufacturing PMI® Indicators were mixed, all remaining close to neutral. Mid-American Index Prices continued sharp increases along with strong growth in new orders in … Continue reading Watching Iowa’s Economy – November
Making Safety a Priority
There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all safety plan for manufacturing facilities, and nobody understands that better than Jack Hasken. Jack Hasken is president and CEO of Jackson Manufacturing, a custom plastic injection molding facility in Maquoketa. Jack runs the company with his wife, Sarah, who is instrumental in setting the company’s strategic … Continue reading Making Safety a Priority
CIRAS Staff News
Emily Betz has joined CIRAS as a project manager specializing in process improvement. Emily has more than 10 years of experience using Lean principles to help companies solve their business challenges. She has helped hundreds of organizations examine their processes to gain efficiencies and improve productivity. Emily has worked in multiple sectors including manufacturing, construction, … Continue reading CIRAS Staff News
Impact of the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022
The CHIPS and Science Act of 2022, signed into law on August 9, will inject up to $280 billion in critical and emerging technologies. The bill provides more than $52 billion to subsidize semiconductor manufacturing, including tax benefits and other incentives to encourage U.S. businesses to build new chip manufacturing plants in the U.S. The … Continue reading Impact of the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022
Staff Update: Meet Adam Lathrop
Adam Lathrop has joined CIRAS as an account manager for southwestern Iowa. Adam has a bachelor’s degree from Iowa State University and a master’s degree in business administration from the Drake University. He joins CIRAS with a wide variety experience. Most recently Adam has worked with business and industry across the state to improve their … Continue reading Staff Update: Meet Adam Lathrop
For The Record
Federal grants and awards reinforce the efforts of CIRAS to achieve its goal to “enhance the performance of industry through applied research, education, and technical assistance.” Here’s a list of some recent awards and how they’re being used to help CIRAS in its work with Iowa companies. More than $745,000 has been received from the … Continue reading For The Record
STAFF UPDATE: Meet Jeff White
Jeff White has joined CIRAS as an account manager for southeastern Iowa.
Jeff has a bachelor’s degree from Western Kentucky University and a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Iowa. He joins CIRAS after 30 years in marketing, business development, and sales, primarily in Iowa manufacturing.
CIRAS to Manufacturers: What do you need?
Our mission here at CIRAS is to enhance the performance of industry in Iowa through applied research, education, and technical assistance. We can’t do that in a vacuum, so we put a lot of effort into understanding what Iowa manufacturers need to help them compete globally.