For Iowa companies ready to expand internationally, having a strategic export plan is essential for effectively reaching new markets. CIRAS offers ExporTech, a structured 12- week program equipping companies with insights and resources to grow exports in a targeted, intentional way. ExporTech provides companies with a blueprint to enter or expand their presence in international … Continue reading ExporTech: Building a Strategic Path for Export Success

Supplier Scouting Newswire Stories
ExporTech: Building a Strategic Path for Export Success
Investing in Iowa’s Supply Chain Resilience: CIRAS Receives Funding to Expand Supply Chain Services
The Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP), a program operated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) within the U.S. Department of Commerce, has recently granted approximately $400,000 to each of its MEP National Network™ (MEPNN) Centers across the United States and Puerto Rico. CIRAS, Iowa’s MEP center, was awarded the funding to help build … Continue reading Investing in Iowa’s Supply Chain Resilience: CIRAS Receives Funding to Expand Supply Chain Services
CIRAS Supplier Scouting Program: A Year of Reflection
During the past couple of years, we have seen major disruptions and changes in how we conduct business. It’s not a stretch to claim that all of us have experienced some impact from supply chain disruptions, whether professionally or personally. In 2020, during the early stages of the pandemic, CIRAS and other Manufacturing Extension Partnership … Continue reading CIRAS Supplier Scouting Program: A Year of Reflection
CIRAS Expands Supplier Scouting Capabilities through IEDA Partnership
By Melissa Burant The risks of having a global supply chain have never been more apparent. Severe weather events, the pandemic, and geopolitical issues have disrupted the global supply chain. The impacts of this are felt by every Iowa manufacturer. Finding new suppliers, especially local ones, is hard. A Google search is a great starting … Continue reading CIRAS Expands Supplier Scouting Capabilities through IEDA Partnership
CIRAS Helps ALMACO Assess COVID-19 Risk from Suppliers
The problems caused by COVID-19 last summer were bad enough, but what really bothered Steve Skaggs was not knowing what was coming next.
“We had been having some spotty parts shortages, which was creating some anxiety,” said Skaggs, purchasing manager for ALMACO, a manufacturer of seed research equipment in Nevada. “We just didn’t know for sure who or where the next problem was going to come from.”
So Skaggs turned to CIRAS for help in assessing ALMACO’s vulnerability to supplier problems tied to the pandemic.
CIRAS Supplier Scouting Helps Bring Business to Iowa
A Hiawatha-based assembly and supply chain integration company expects to see at least $5 million a year in new business after CIRAS facilitated a partnership with an air purification company.
World Class Industries started work in October under a contract that quickly will see the company producing 24,000 room-sized air purifiers annually for Timilon Acquisitions.