Month: February 2023

Calling all Iowa Innovators!

Announced last month, PTAC is now called APEX Accelerators, and with that comes some new and exciting goals from our federal grant funder, the Office of Small Business Programs under the DOD. One of these goals is to help traditionally disadvantaged businesses (8(a), Woman-Owned, HubZone, Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned, and more) register and sell to the Federal … Continue reading Calling all Iowa Innovators!

Why Goal Setting Matters to Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Companies

YOUR VOICE MATTERS Niki Rainey, Civil Rights Bureau Director, encourages Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) companies to “have your voice heard at the table” of each monthly DBE goal-setting meeting. WHY does it matter to a DBE? Every month, the Civil Rights Bureau hosts a virtual goal-setting meeting to set the DBE subcontracting goals for the … Continue reading Why Goal Setting Matters to Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Companies

Watching Iowa’s Economy: February 2023

Here is CIRAS’s quick look at major economic indicators for Iowa. For an introduction and a description of the indicators used, see our first post. Indicator Status Underlying Data Notes ISM Manufacturing PMI® Manufacturing contracted for the third consecutive month. Most measures continue to indicate moderate general slowing in manufacturing, except employment and inventories, which … Continue reading Watching Iowa’s Economy: February 2023

New Tool Available to Help Companies with Workforce Strategy

You must understand the needs, expectations, and desires of your current and future workforce before deciding what changes to make. Your company can identify areas of potential strength you can build on and weaknesses you may want to address by using a new assessment offered by CIRAS In collaboration with the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP), … Continue reading New Tool Available to Help Companies with Workforce Strategy

Employers Find Workforce Success through Student Opportunities

Using Career Fairs to Engage Future Workers Iowa State career fairs are an excellent way for employers to meet, interview, and interact with students to grow an educated and well-rounded workforce. In-person fairs occur each semester and offer employers the opportunity to fill interview schedules, network with students and increase name recognition. The College of … Continue reading Employers Find Workforce Success through Student Opportunities

Digital Lab Expands Partnerships

The CIRAS Digital Manufacturing Lab powered by Alliant Energy recently added two new partners, Pratum, an information security company, and ProPlanner, specialists in tools for complex assembly manufacturing. “Partnerships are key to our efforts to de–risk technology adoption for Iowa companies,” said Chris Hill, CIRAS program director. “Our technology partners play a key part in … Continue reading Digital Lab Expands Partnerships

Dubuque Screw Products Gains Space with New Process Flow

Iowa State sophomore engineering student and CIRAS intern Cassie Larsen was ready to take on a new challenge when she learned about an opportunity with Dubuque Screw Products (DSP). The northeast Iowa business needed a new shop layout for its expanding facility. “The company had a few ideas, but they were open to anything that … Continue reading Dubuque Screw Products Gains Space with New Process Flow

Investing in Automation for Future Growth

Lisle Corporation began business in 1903 and still uses a portion of its original building today. While rightfully proud of its history, this Clarinda–based manufacturer is forward thinking, especially when it comes to the future of its workforce. Lisle is collaborating with CIRAS to make smart decisions to help ensure they have the staff and … Continue reading Investing in Automation for Future Growth

Continuous Improvement Vital to Company’s Success

For companies new to continuous improvement (CI) or in the early stages of building a CI team, Tony Hogan has five pieces of advice: choose momentum over perfection; get comfortable in the gray; know what problems you’re solving; bring everything back to business metrics; and make progress visible. “Leave lots of space for learning,” said … Continue reading Continuous Improvement Vital to Company’s Success
