Author: mcgraw

CIRAS Attends Conference Focused on Workforce Solutions

The spark ignited at a recent workforce conference still burns for four CIRAS employees who attended the event. “We’re excited to take some of the information and best practices presented there and fit them into our program,” said Mary McGraw, project manager. McGraw, Brenda Martin, workforce program director, Pam Lane, project manager, and Mayra Ramirez, … Continue reading CIRAS Attends Conference Focused on Workforce Solutions

Reflecting on the ILC Kentucky Lean Tour

Members of the Iowa Lean Consortium (ILC) waited four years for the ILC Kentucky Lean Tour but by all accounts, the trip was worth the wait. “I’ve read the books and studied the practices but the presentations and tours gave me insights on how to apply lean principles that I couldn’t have gotten any other … Continue reading Reflecting on the ILC Kentucky Lean Tour

Cybersecurity Contract Clauses Explained

We are often asked to help a company understand what their contract compliance requirements are regarding cybersecurity in federal contracting.  One way to understand those requirements is to look at your contract or solicitation and identify what cyber clauses are included.  Below is a quick guide to identifying those clauses and understanding what obligations they … Continue reading Cybersecurity Contract Clauses Explained

Q & A with Marketing and Growth Project Manager, CJ Osborn

Q. Tell me about your role at CIRAS and the type of clients you work with?   A. I lead the CIRAS Business Team, which offers services in the areas of marketing, supply chain, and other non-technical business functions.  As part of that team, I serve as a project manager focused on marketing strategy, and … Continue reading Q & A with Marketing and Growth Project Manager, CJ Osborn

Businesses Encouraged to Respond to IWD Wage Survey

Nearly 7,200 Iowa businesses are slated to receive a wage survey this year—with mailings starting in May—and officials at Iowa Workforce Development (IWD) have a plea: Help us help you by completing it. The Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics (OEWS) survey gathers employment information and wages paid for nearly 800 job titles. Donna Burkett, bureau … Continue reading Businesses Encouraged to Respond to IWD Wage Survey

CIRAS Welcomes 2023 Summer Interns

  CIRAS is set to welcome the 2023 summer interns to the team. CIRAS hosts interns throughout the summer, offering students professional networking opportunities that will contribute to their professional connection and interest in pursuing manufacturing. The goals of the internship program are as follows: Expose talented young professionals to manufacturing Provide students with opportunities to … Continue reading CIRAS Welcomes 2023 Summer Interns

Did You Know? Are you “DIB-Ready”?

As we’ve previously mentioned, APEX Accelerator programs (formerly Procurement Technical Assistance Centers / PTACs) throughout the United States are now being managed by the U.S. Department of Defense’s (DoD) Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP).  While much of the government contracting assistance available for businesses from APEX Accelerators like ours will remain unchanged, the update … Continue reading Did You Know? Are you “DIB-Ready”?

Q & A With CIRAS Government Contracting Director, Jodi Essex

Q: Tell me about your role at CIRAS and the type of clients you work with. A: I am currently serving as the Program Director for the APEX Accelerator program that assists businesses with selling their products and services to government agencies.  I primarily support a team of government contracting specialists that provide one-on-one counseling, training events and … Continue reading Q & A With CIRAS Government Contracting Director, Jodi Essex
