Month: May 2020

All-Electronic: The newest CIRAS News in Online

Attention CIRAS News readers: The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted all corners of Iowa industry. CIRAS exists to help Iowa companies overcome problems like these, and our goal is to make it as easy as possible for you to deal with the challenges that lie ahead. Toward that end, we have decided to only send an electronic version of the spring 2020 edition of CIRAS News so you can download it on your schedule and hopefully, share it with others you think may benefit from the content.

Martin to Receive Award for Economic Development Achievement

CIRAS Account Manager Brenda Martin will receive Iowa State University’s Award for Achievement in Economic Development during a ceremony in September. Martin has been serving Iowa manufacturers since 2003, when she began working with CIRAS through a partnership with her previous employer, Iowa Central Community College. Since 2016, she been employed as a CIRAS account manager focusing on the food industry and building relationships throughout the state. Brenda also serves on the board of the Iowa Meat Processors Association and is active in the Iowa Sustainable Business Forum.

Preparing for Getting Back to Work

After more than two months of reeling from the effects of a deadly pandemic, many Iowa communities are now on their way back to work. But what exactly should that look like? CIRAS experts suggest you focus on two things as you press to get back to normal – going in phases and being thorough.

COVID-19 Causing Increased Sales in Some Industries

It’s no surprise that there is a major boost in the procurement of personal protective equipment and medical supplies amid the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the COVID-19 report on federal spending data from the Federal Procurement Data System, other industries are seeing an uptick in demand as well. The $2.2 trillion stimulus is allocating various agencies additional funds to address needs related to the pandemic, and it’s not all for medical supplies.

CIRAS Survey UPDATE: Business Impacts of COVID-19

May 22, 2020 — As COVID-19 proliferates across our nation, the crisis continues to negatively impact our economy and spark concerns for the future of small and medium-sized businesses. CIRAS has been conducting a phone survey so we can better understand the needs of Iowa companies and better connect them to appropriate resources. Here is what we’ve learned so far:

CIRAS Shifting Personnel to Expand Workforce Offerings

CIRAS Director Ron Cox today announced two changes designed to help the center improve its ability to serve Iowa businesses during challenging times. Effective immediately, Teresa Hay McMahon is stepping down as program director of the Iowa Lean Consortium (ILC). McMahon instead will take on an urgent new assignment expanding CIRAS workforce-related programming under the U.S. Economic Development Administration’s University Center program. Tracy Schuster, assistant director of the ILC and a part of the consortium team since 2012, will take over as ILC director.

CIRAS Survey UPDATE: Business Impacts of COVID-19

May 15, 2020 — As COVID-19 proliferates across our nation, the crisis continues to negatively impact our economy and spark concerns for the future of small and medium-sized businesses. CIRAS has been conducting a phone survey so we can better understand the needs of Iowa companies and better connect them to appropriate resources. Here is what we’ve learned so far:

Did You Know?…Woman-Owned Small Business Certification Updates Coming This Summer

Last year, the SBA advised it had some changes in the works for the Woman-Owned Small Business (WOSB) and the Economically-Disadvantaged Woman-Owned Small Business (EDWOSB) certification programs. The full scope of those changes are scheduled to be announced June 30, but they will not go into effect until 30 days after that announcement. So keep an eye out for actual certification changes towards the very end of July 2020.

CIRAS Survey UPDATE: Business Impacts of COVID-19

May 8, 2020 — As COVID-19 proliferates across our nation, the crisis continues to negatively impact our economy and spark concerns for the future of small and medium-sized businesses. CIRAS has been conducting a phone survey so we can better understand the needs of Iowa companies and better connect them to appropriate resources. Here is what we’ve … Continue reading CIRAS Survey UPDATE: Business Impacts of COVID-19
