All-Electronic: The newest CIRAS News in Online

Attention CIRAS News readers:

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted all corners of Iowa industry. CIRAS exists to help Iowa companies overcome problems like these, and our goal is to make it as easy as possible for you to deal with the challenges that lie ahead.

Toward that end, we have decided to only send an electronic version of the spring 2020 edition of CIRAS News so you can download it on your schedule and hopefully, share it with others you think may benefit from the content.

This edition follows the same format you expect from our newsletter – except it is focused entirely on COVID-19. The center of the issue includes 10 pages of response and recovery checklists with links to supporting documents.

Please click here to start reading, and feel free to email to let us know if there’s any other information you’d like us to provide.

Thank you and stay safe,


Ron Cox

CIRAS director
