Did You Know?  Information is Power   

Written by Jodi Essex
CIRAS Government Contracting Specialist

Bid Match – This system allows us to set up a profile for your company to receive a once-daily email with bid opportunities from multiple city, county, state, and federal websites.

GovSpend – This is a brand new system we acquired that allows us to see purchase orders from cities, counties, schools, and state agencies.  We can see who’s buying what you sell, what vendors are being used, and what prices are paid.  It even lists who the points of contact are for that agency.

Proxity – This system makes researching the federal spend easy and has multiple capabilities, such as researching National Stock Numbers (NSNs), finding drawings for NSNs, generating lists of expiring federal contracts, and creating lists of hospitals, nursing homes, universities, and prisons. Plus, much more!

Govology – This website offers live and on-demand webinars from top industry experts in the federal government space on topics ranging from GSA Schedules to Proposal Writing.  Check out their website to see their 50+ topics, and inquire with your CIRAS Government Contracting Specialist on how to access those courses for FREE!

CIRAS Training Roadmap – Don’t forget that CIRAS offers training and events all year long on a variety of topics.

Information is power, so contact your CIRAS government contracting specialist if any of this will be helpful to your business!

Jodi Essex can be reached at jodir@iastate.edu or 515-509-0769.
