CIRAS Program Director
There are 16 SBDCs located through the state.
The SBDC has counseling, training and technical assistance available for everyone from small businesses just starting out to small businesses that have been in existence for many years. The SBDC provides one-on-one business counseling, low-cost training and other specialized services.
The SBDC supports mall businesses in many areas including:
- New Business Guidance
- Writing a Business Plan
- Loan Proposal Assistance
- Cash Flow Projections
- Accounting and Quick Books
- Human Resource Management
- Market Planning and Strategy
- Pricing
- Financing Opportunities
I would encourage you to learn about the SBDC location near you. Reach out to Pam Russenberger at plrussen@iastate.edu if you would like to learn more about CIRAS and connecting you with your local SDBC.