Updating your capabilities narrative, seen in the SBA Dynamic Small Business Search tool, is of no cost.

A capability statement is a marketing statement about your business and its capabilities, past performance, company data and essentially showcases who you are and what you do when doing business with the Federal Government or Prime Contractors looking for subcontractors.

If your business is registered in SAM.gov, you may have received marketing emails stating that you must include your capabilities narrative to ensure you receive valuable contract opportunities. Furthermore, the marketing email may offer help for an unknown fee.

There is no cost (except for your time) to update your business capability narrative.

If you registered in SAM.gov, your information is populated into the SBA Dynamic Small Business Search (DSBS) tool, where contracting officers or prime vendors can search for specific suppliers providing manufactured goods, professional services, technical services, and more.

If the contractor does a search in DSBS, and your business capabilities narrative field is blank, they may skip yours to the next business, which may result in a missed opportunity.

Below are steps to update your capabilities narrative in SBAConnect. In addition, if you have a link to your capability’s narrative, you can add that at the same time.

  1. Login to SBAConnect using your SAM.gov login credentials.
  2. If logging in for the first time, you must claim your company by entering your UEI and responding to questions to verify your identity.
  3. Go to ACCESS in the toolbar and REQUEST ACCESS | Click on DSBS | Click SUBMIT.
  4. DSBS will show up on your DASHBOARD after access is granted.
  5. At your DASHBOARD |Click on DSBS |Click on your UEI/Company name.
  6. Select GENERAL from Legend. (See below)
  7. Enter your capabilities narrative and link (if you have one) to your capabilities if you have one.
  8. Click SAVE
  9. Go to DSBS and search for your company to view the changes made.

For more information, contact your CIRAS Government Contracting Specialist or fill out our Request for Counseling form. We would be happy to help you navigate SBAConnect for no cost.

