CIRAS Staff News: Meet Ben Drescher

Ben Drescher has joined CIRAS as a Food and Feed Quality and Safety project manager.

Ben Drescher

Ben holds a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education from Iowa State University and a Master of Sciences in Agricultural Science from Murry State University.  

Before joining CIRAS, Ben spent nine years as the Animal Science Farms Director at Iowa State University, managing 25 full-time staff with seven direct reports and 150 student employees. The Animal Science Farms consists of nine locations, covering seven species of food production animals, and serves Iowa State’s three land grant missions of research, extension, and teaching. Before working at Iowa State, Ben was in the swine industry.  

He has extensive experience operating all aspects of livestock farms for teaching and research while maintaining compliance with regulatory requirements and external quality standards in the food industry.  

As a Food and Feed Quality and Safety project manager, Ben will help implement food quality and safety practices in Iowa’s agriculture and manufacturing industries.  
