Plan Now to Be Ready for Bad Weather

April showers in Iowa quickly can turn into dangerous flash flooding.

CIRAS wants to take this opportunity to remind you yet again about the potential peril that can come with severe weather season. Are you ready?

As the COVID-19 pandemic has shown us, Iowa companies always come out better when they plan for the worst and take steps ahead of time to identify what should happen if trouble strikes.

To help, CIRAS since 2008 has maintained a Flood Preparation Checklist that includes last-minute steps that companies can take to prepare for a crisis. It includes a list of items that company leaders should plan to take with them in case of evacuation and steps they can take, if time allows, to minimize the damage done to what’s left behind.

Additionally, the CIRAS website contains other information, including how to retrieve important data from flooded computers, advice for dealing with damaged documents and guides to other valuable resources.

Flooded or storm-damaged businesses are urged to contact CIRAS if they need assistance, and staffers will work to direct them to the appropriate resources.

More broadly, the CIRAS Business Resiliency Webinar Series features a weekly look at what businesses can do to prepare for disruption and find their footing in a post-pandemic world. Much of the conversation focuses on lessons learned from COVID-19, but the tips can help any company learn how to be flexible, to plan ahead, and thrive despite anything the future holds.

Business Resiliency webinars take place each Tuesday at 7:30 a.m. You can register by clicking this link.


 For more information, contact CIRAS manufacturing program director Mike O’Donnell at or 515-509-4379.
