CIRAS Events Coordinator
We miss you. Can you help us find our way back together?
CIRAS, like most of the rest of the world, called a halt to in-person educational events last year when the COVID-19 pandemic began to take hold. We didn’t like it. We didn’t want to. But we did what we thought was best for your health and the health of our staff – and in the process, we launched hundreds of detailed video webinars that since have been viewed by thousands of Iowa business people.
Now, as vaccines roll out and the case counts fall, we’re starting to ponder what the future will look like for CIRAS events. We’re certain to offer new webinars and roundtable discussions going forward, but we’d also like to start easing back to in-person events at some point this year.
What would that look like? We don’t really know.
The CIRAS events team has tentatively begun planning some outdoor, in-person networking events for this summer. After that, we may begin exploring other ways that we can safely allow in-person viewing of uniquely hands-on subject matter, such as demonstrating new technology. We’re still exploring how that will work.
Do you have any thoughts?
CIRAS staffers would love to hear your views on in-person events. When will you be ready to attend? What events should we offer in-person first? Do you have any best practices you’d like to call to our attention?
Email Tina Colburn at tcolburn@iastate.edu with your comments, and we’ll keep you posted as the planning moves forward. Thanks!