Iowa State’s ABE Department to Host Virtual Tour

Iowa State University’s Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering is hosting a virtual open house on Wednesday, August 5, so interested companies can learn more about the technology available on campus.

Interested businesses can participate in three 40-minute sessions covering Industrial Technology, Ag Engineering and Ag Systems Technology, and Biosystems Engineering.

Steve Mickelson, the Charles R. and Jane F. Olsen professor in Engineering and the Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering department chairman, will lead participants on tours of each section via Zoom. The tours will be followed by a 10-minute question-and-answer session.

Join one session or all three to learn more about your opportunities to engage with Iowa State University faculty and staff during the coming academic year.

Click here to RSVP and obtain the link to the tour.


For more information, email or call 515-294-5055.
