Our COVID-19 Site has Expanded

As the pandemic continues to evolve, we wanted to remind you of some of the many additions we’ve made over the last few weeks to the CIRAS COVID-19 website.

CIRAS is committed to bringing you the best information possible to help you make necessary decisions about your business. Toward that end, we’ve been regularly adding content and refocusing our efforts to answer the questions that Iowa businesses tell us they’re concerned about.

Among other things, our website at www.ciras.iastate.edu/COVID-19 now has:

We’re also using our CIRAS YouTube channel to house recordings of the roundtable discussions we hold online each week with representatives of the Iowa manufacturing and food industries.

  • Go here to register for future Tuesday- and Thursday-morning webinars.
  • Go here to view past webinars. Topics include Social Distancing in the Workplace, Restoring Revenue, Return to Work Planning, and Supply Chain Risks.

We want to know more about how you’re dealing with COVID-19. If you have questions, best practices to share, or a topic you would like us to address, please contact us at ciras.info@iastate.edu.
