COVID-19 Causing Increased Sales in Some Industries

Written by Jodi Essex
CIRAS Government Contracting Specialist

It’s no surprise that there is a major boost in the procurement of personal protective equipment and medical supplies amid the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the COVID-19 report on federal spending data from the Federal Procurement Data System, other industries are seeing an uptick in demand as well. The $2.2 trillion stimulus is allocating various agencies additional funds to address needs related to the pandemic, and it’s not all for medical supplies.

Computer Hardware/Information Technology

Many agencies are now equipping their staff to work remotely, which means an increase in the purchase of laptops, docking stations, tablets, monitors, etc. The $2 trillion stimulus bill includes $12 million for the Office of Personnel Management to increase their remote capabilities and acquire needed technology to change their paper-based application processes to electronic ones. FEMA was allocated nearly $45 million for enhancements to information technology.

Janitorial Services/Cleaning Supplies/Remediation

To help curb the spread, almost all buildings where people still have to report to work are upping their cleaning and disinfecting routines.

The General Services Administration’s Federal Buildings Fund, for example, will receive an additional $275 million for “deep cleaning” efforts at federal facilities around the country. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) will also receive $100 million for similar efforts.

Current janitorial contract holders at all levels of Iowa government may be stretched for labor to accommodate these additional needs, creating an opportunity for newer contractors to subcontract with them.

Staffing Agencies

The Department of Veterans Affairs is being issued $20 billion to help fund their medical care and telehealth services. They have already issued several temporary medical staff contracts for health screeners, nurses, and pharmacy and medical technicians. Another large need is in the legal profession. The U.S. Attorney’s Office is turning to GSA schedule holders for paralegals and legal assistants.

In short, Iowa companies should realize that the ongoing pandemic has shifted much of the government’s purchasing tendencies. Federal, state, and local agencies have different needs now than they did before the emergence of COVID-19. If you think you have a product or service that can help fulfill one of those needs, the CIRAS Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) can help you get started navigating the process.

For more information, contact your regional PTAC government contracting specialist or email Jodi Essex at
