CIRAS is Sponsoring Winter Conference of Master Builders of Iowa

Written by Jodi Essex
CIRAS Government Contracting Specialist

Iowa’s leading organization of construction contractors will hold its annual meeting next month, and CIRAS plans to be there helping companies learn how to advance their businesses.

CIRAS is a sponsor of this year’s Annual Winter Conference of the Master Builders of Iowa (MBI). Founded in 1912, MBI is one of 89 chapters of the Associated General Contractors of America, the most influential and widely respected construction association in the country. The Iowa chapter’s annual gathering is scheduled for February 24-26 at the Prairie Meadows Event and Conference Center in Altoona.

Over the past five years, CIRAS and its partners have helped 4,100 businesses through projects that resulted in a total economic impact of roughly $2.5 billion. Those numbers include more than 360 Iowa construction firms and work with a financial impact of more than $561 million.

CIRAS specialists can help construction companies find federal, state, and local government contracts; explore the efficiencies of Lean management systems; and connect to Iowa State faculty and/or students. We are proud to partner with an organization like Master Builders of Iowa to help construction companies grow.

The Winter Conference sponsorship will follow another event that may be useful to Iowa construction firms: CIRAS and the North Iowa Builders Exchange will be holding an “Iowa Building Codes and Construction Networking” event on February 6 in Mason City. Attendees will learn how building codes are adopted and what happens if they are not used. This will be followed by a networking event where attendees will be able to meet and identify potential future business partners.

For more information about this and other events, please pay close attention to the CIRAS Event Calendar and/or contact Jodi Essex at
