CIRAS Government Contracting Specialist
FedBizOpps currently is the federal government’s website (FBO.gov) for posting all procurement opportunities with a value of more than $25,000.
By the end of next year, it will disappear. The system, along with several other government acquisition systems managed by the General Services Administration, are gradually being rolled into one new site.
Beta.sam.gov will be the future central repository for all federal acquisition data. Two legacy systems already have made the transition to beta.sam.gov. FBO.gov will be the next system to make the change in the first quarter of next year, followed by the Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS.gov) and the original SAM.gov. This transition offers a more efficient way to access all federal award information and has the benefit of a single sign-on.
The new site currently allows users to conduct searches and provide feedback on the site’s functionality. Some areas of the site are live, such as Wage Determinations Online (WDOL), while others are still in demonstration mode. FBO.gov data can be found by searching for “Contract Opportunities” on the new site.
For more information about the transition, contact your CIRAS Government Contracting Specialist or reference the following links: