Still Time to Renew Your ILC Membership

As we’ve noted previously, the process is different this year.

Here’s what you need to know:

Current ILC members should have received an email in mid-November from ILC Membership Development Mangaer Tracy Schuster reminding you that it is time to renew. If you haven’t done so already, you have the option to pay via credit card using EventBrite, or you can request an invoice and pay by check.

Organizational membership renewal notices were sent to the primary contact we have on file.  You can review that contact information in the Members Only Area Member Directory at If changes are needed, please contact Tracy at

ILC memberships are valid January 1 through December 31, so please renew before we hit 2019.

For more information about what’s going on at the Iowa Lean Consortium,  feel free to check out our newsletter.

And please have a joyous Holiday Season.

Not yet a member but ready to join the ILC for 2019?  Learn more by visiting
