Want help finding your “competi-mate”?

Written by: Julie Fagle
Government Contracting Specialist
Government entities at all levels frequently purchase items in “packages” that are either too large for one company to deliver or contain too many different types of goods and services. Nevertheless, smaller firms still may be able to win those contracts by combining forces. One of the things CIRAS government contracting specialists try to do is make the connections that lead to those kind of partnerships.

If you’re interested in finding your “competi-mate” to walk with through the world of government contracting, you might want to come to an event we have scheduled for October 25 in Dubuque.

This 2 ½-hour networking session (“Manufacturing Networking: Meet your Competi-mate“)  will attempt to drive companies to think outside the box, and provide options for firms to better work together and consider developing partnerships. In addition, we’ll expand your current regional industry network and hopefully increase your awareness of resources and potential partnerships.

The event will consist of brief discussions from industry experts on timely topics, but primarily will focus on a structured networking session to pursue the goal of more Iowa companies working together to pursue and win business. Hope you can come join us!

For more information, email me at jafagle@iastate.edu or click the link above.

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