2017 Winnebego Vista - Enjoy a day on the water in a Misty Harbor boat.
- Grill out with Graziano’s sausage (or choose from one of the 150+ other meat processors in Iowa!
- Have a barbeque at the park using a grill from Kay Park or Pilot Rock.
- Cool off with a Blue Bunny ice cream!
- Keep the bugs away with Simply Soothing bug repellant.
- Standard Golf provides much of the equipment you’ll find on the course, including cups and flagsticks.
- Visit one of the 70+ breweries, 80+ wineries, or 10+ distilleries. (But, we do not recommend visiting all of them in one summer!)
- Support your favorite baseball team and Iowa manufacturing in a Bimm Ridder shirt.
- Play some basketball with a Spalding hoop.
What did we miss? Tweet us at @CIRAS_ISU!