CIRAS Staff News: Meet Steve Forbes

Steve Forbes Process Improvement Project Manager
Steve Forbes
Process Improvement Project Manager

Steve Forbes joined CIRAS as a Process Improvement Project Manager.

Steve Forbes brings a rich background in Lean thinking and methodologies from various manufacturing environments. His most recent role was as the Lean Training Specialist for Iowa Prison Industries (IPI), where he co-developed the Prison Industries Manufacturing and Management System (PIMMS). PIMMS is a Toyota-based production system with the unique challenge of sharing Lean principles with incarcerated individuals in Iowa. Those ideas were shared nationally through the National Correctional Industries Association (NCIA) and aspirated other states to initiate programs to develop lean skills in individuals preparing themselves to be in the workforce.

Before his time at IPI, Steve contributed significantly to developing skills with individuals working at Harley Davidson Motor Company by sharing knowledge of continuous improvement tools and understanding.

Steve is an alum of Iowa State University with a degree in Agricultural Mechanization, and his experience and expertise will enrich CIRAS’s mission to support business prosperity and community health in Iowa.

For more information, contact Steve Forbes or 515-620-8217.
