Leading through the Workforce Crisis

Workforce shortages are impacting businesses of all types and sizes across the country. These challenges are more onerous in Iowa because of our slow population growth.  

Here is some advice that members of the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) National Network™ have published recently on strategies to help small- and medium-sized manufacturers address their workforce issues.  

“Four-day workweeks and flexible shifts can be very attractive to younger workers, working moms, and more.” 

“Companies that can rotate people through various jobs, and offer choice and new skill development, are exciting to many workers.” 

—Matthew Fieldman, Executive Director, America Works 

“Revise your job descriptions to focus on your company culture.” 

“The bottom line is that in order to succeed, people need to have processes in place that support their success.”  

—Paola Castaldo, Managing Consultant, Oregon MEP 

“Individuals want to feel connected to an organization’s goals and like they’re making a difference. They also want to feel as though they can approach those in positions of authority.” 

—David Rea, Managing Director,
Organizational Development, Catalyst Connection 

“Find employable candidates: Engage in alternative workforce development pipelines, including Second Chance programs, Work-based Learning, and apprenticeships.” 

—Raine Hyde, Marketing Strategist,
Georgia Manufacturing Extension Partnership 

There is no silver bullet to solve your workforce needs, but CIRAS can work with you to find strategies that will make a difference in your business.  

For more, contact Brenda Martin at bkmartin@iastate.edu or 515-570-5282. 
