Q: Tell me about your job and how it contributes to the overall goals of CIRAS to help companies prosper.

Event Manager
As an Event Manager at CIRAS, I oversee in-person events led by my colleagues. I coordinate the event’s overall logistics to ensure companies have an enjoyable experience when attending our events. We know that companies have unique problems they are seeking support for, so my goal is to equip my colleagues with support for their events so they can prioritize engaging with attendees.
Q: What skills or experiences have prepared you for this job?
In a previous job, I worked with 8th-12th grade students as they navigated a scholarship program. In that role, I organized meetings and events for the students and their families to ensure they felt supported throughout. Each family had individual experiences and needs that were always top of mind. Although CIRAS provides a different audience, I can bring a similar approach when thinking about companies.
Q: What opportunities for advancement are available for companies by working with CIRAS?
By attending CIRAS events and training opportunities, companies can advance their knowledge, skills, and network.
Q: How do you stay updated on the latest developments or trends in manufacturing/government contracting?
I rely on my colleagues to stay updated on the latest developments or trends. They’re the experts in the field, and that knowledge drives event topics and goals.
Q: What is the best part of your job?
I get the opportunity to collaborate with many of my colleagues and learn from them. Even though they each have a different approach to their events, the goal of helping Iowa companies is consistent.
For more information, contact Jennifer Garcia by jenv27@iastate.edu or phone 515-715-0881.