Q: Tell me about your job and how it contributes to the overall goals of CIRAS to help companies prosper.

A: As a member of the Strategic Advisor team, we are the sales force of CIRAS. We are calling on and developing relationships with the leaders at our Iowa manufacturing companies so that we can connect them to the resources within CIRAS, the University, our grant programs, and the resources in Iowa. Our goals are to help companies be more prosperous, therefore adding jobs, improving the economy in Iowa and manufacturing products to improve the GDP. CIRAS, supports the Land Grant University Mission with our statewide outreach.
Q: What skills or experiences have prepared you for this job?
A: My diverse work experiences have served me well in being able to work with manufacturers of all kinds. From being an iron worker, construction worker, bartender (learned how to listen), various roles at an OEM of concrete pipe form equipment with an iron foundry, large machine shop and a large fabrication shop, being a sales manager for several job shop foundries and being part of a growth turnaround team of a vinyl and wood window and door company. All of this experience has given me enough background to be able to discuss most all situations that I run into; in working with our Iowa manufacturers. Having the breadth and depth of CIRAS resources and our third party resources make my job even easier. I can always say “I know someone that can help with that”
Q: What types of companies do you work with?
A: The companies that I focus on, are the small to mid-size manufacturers. The companies that want to grow and want our help.
Q: What opportunities for advancement are available for manufacturers by working with CIRAS?
A: Our goal is to help companies be more profitable. I still hear companies say “I didn’t know you could help with that”. CIRAS is the resource to assist with everything from A to Z. There are so many companies that are appreciative of us helping them and that is evident by the impact numbers that we generate, year after year.
Q: How do you stay updated on the latest developments or trends in manufacturing?
A: The answer to this question is easy. Listen and learn from the CIRAS team. Our “in house” experts that are presenting the technologies make it easy for the Strategic Advisors to stay abreast of what is out there to help clients. Our digital automation lab and those resources are a great example of how we at CIRAS stay on the leading edge to assist our clients. Five years ago, I saw exoskeleton systems in the Marvel movies; now we have those systems in our lab and we are making that technology available to our clients. This is just one example.
Q: What is the best part of your job?
A: The answer is “working at CIRAS, as part of the CIRAS team”. We have such a great team made up of great people is what makes the job awesome. Working with different clients with different opportunities every day makes the job exciting. To top all of that off, there is the flexibility and quality of work-life balance that makes working at CIRAS the best.
For more information, contact Derek Thompson at thompson@iastate.edu or 515-419-2163.