Partnerships Support Company Growth

Leveraging resources available through CIRAS and its partners is one key to the unprecedented growth of Brava Roof Tile. Over the past two years, the southeast Iowa manufacturer moved into a new facility, tripled its workforce, and significantly increased its sales.

Founded in 2008 in Washington, Iowa, Brava makes high quality synthetic roof tiles from recycled and recyclable materials. Their products have received third-party certification for the highest levels of wind, fire, and hail protection, and they have a 50-year warranty.

“Initially, they looked to us for assistance in testing and validating the materials they use,” said Jeff White, CIRAS strategic advisor. “We also conducted an in-depth business assessment that assisted them in creating a roadmap for moving forward. In addition, we made them aware of various financial opportunities through our partners to further assist their growth and expansion.”

Brava Roof Tile was recently awarded $1.5 million in grants.

CIRAS connected company leadership with the Iowa Area Development Group, which helped facilitate an application for Rural Economic Development Loan (REDL) funds. REDL is a U.S. Department of Agriculture program designed to assist business expansion in rural areas. Funding is provided through local utility companies. Brava received a $1 million loan to purchase new equipment that would increase production to meet the growing demand for its product. Another CIRAS partner, the Iowa Economic Development Authority, awarded Brava a $500,000 Manufacturing 4.0 Workforce Innovations Grant to address workforce issues exacerbated by COVID-19.


“CIRAS continues to be a valuable partner for Brava,” said Andrew Ahrens, head of manufacturing at Brava. “Jeff and the team have assisted on numerous engineering and technical projects over the years, helping support Brava’s growth and efficiency. The CIRAS team also had a key part in educating us on opportunities to finance the projects through the 4.0 Grant and REDL program. We appreciate the breadth and depth of assistance CIRAS can provide a high-growth Iowa-based manufacturing operation.” White added, “Working collaboratively with our clients to provide services and resources that make a difference for their business, employees, and community is very gratifying. It’s what we do!”

For more information, contact Jeff White at or 515-231-8691.

