Iowa Manufacturers use Grant to Invest in Technology

The Iowa Economic Development Authority’s 2020 Manufacturing 4.0 plan identified five key strategies focused on preparing Iowa’ s manufacturers for the fourth industrial revolution, in which the physical and digital elements of factories become fully integrated. As global manufacturing transforms, it is critical that manufacturers apply technology to fill existing workforce gaps and create new, higherskilled jobs for Iowans.

As part of the plan to improve adopting and utilizing Manufacturing 4.0 technology, the state created the Manufacturing 4.0 Technology Investment Grant Program. CIRAS is providing nocost assessments to all applicants to help them make informed investment decisions to improve their chance of success. Independencebased Priority Custom Machining was one of more than 150 Iowa manufacturers that reached out for an assessment. The company, which specializes in highprecision metal cutting, was able to identify opportunities to implement new
technologies. CEO Robert Hearn stated, “The assessment helped me identify opportunities to grow my business and reaffirmed CIRAS as a valuable resource.”

From implementing technologies to retaining jobs or accessing new markets to grow jobs, CIRAS provides a variety of services to help manufacturers thrive while providing futureready jobs. In 2020, more than 7,400 jobs were created or retained because of the assistance companies received from CIRAS and its partners.

For more information, contact Chris Hill at or 5153138251.
